Wednesday 9 October 2013

Will you wait until you have cancer to cure?

Welcome to my brand new blog.

Not expecting much if I m honest. I expect these things take a while to get going but my writing skills need to be honed and my keen powers of observation need to be channeled and this is as good a place as any to try out.

I've set this up because I would like to write about preventing illness such as cancer, diabetes and living life with no regrets.

The leagues of scientist may always be one step closer to finding a cure but I have issues with this, the whole cancer curing charity industry.

Why do they always talk about cure and never preventing the cause?

I guess from their point of view the trouble with prevention is there is no heroics.
No one can wave their arms around saying imperiously ' see with your money we have cured you!'

With prevention there is no biblical miracle to observe and this means in the prevention of cancer and many other lifestyle illnesses, there is no glory, no profit and no incentive to make big business.

This is a tragedy.

We should talk about it.

Cancer is triggered when normal bodily mechanisms fail or become too weak to deal with the cancer. Therefore if the trigger is removed or the body strengthened it stands to reason that cancers and illness can be prevented or in some cases reversed.

You and I, we, can do something about prevention of these devastating conditions.

By affecting small changes in, our habits, our purchases, the way we interact with each other, the positivity we send out, all these things change the world.

Mother Teresa said, to change the world you just need to be kind to the person standing next to you.

This philosopy can be applied to preventing cancer, you just need to make small changes, tiny actions to make a the difference, and if enough of us do then we stack the odds in our favour.

The modern world is toxic but we can take action, things can be different, we are a collective consciousness that creates change whenever we put our minds to it.

Take action with me, sign up to this blog, post some comments and to the next person you meet. :)

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